The ignorant me prayed ....
Does your love
reach this far, God?
if it extends to heaven
and beyond…
why can’t it seem
to find me?”
God whispered ......
Searching for me ,
You want me
no end
Be patient
you will see
me in your
Calm mind bend
Soften your
heart dear
Then I will
come very near
hardened rocks
are not
my abode they
hurt me a lot .
I live in compassion
and kindness ,
Greed and envy
I never caress
Pride and ego are not
my places of rest
Boasting and self seeking
are what I detest
I live with truth
and harmony
Forgiveness and peace
for me are honey
Have trust faith
and hope
Differentiate a snake
from a rope .
I love you
no matter what
though it
hurts me a lot
When you
forget humanity
as it should
always be
Talk to me
my child
I am always
by your side .
Feel my presence
in and out
my bountiful
love just sprouts
you see me not
as the worldly light
has snatched your sight
Awaken oh you
sleeping soul
Only then you
will reach your goal
Pushpa Chaturvedi