Saturday, 27 September 2014


Happiness is not ready made ,It is made by your own  thoughts and actions ,You have to find happiness in yourself first before you can make others happy . Never search for your happiness in others for that may make you feel alone . Search for your happiness within yourself for then you will feel happy even when you are left alone .Don't allow others to invade your happiness ,no one is in charge of your happiness except you .We are as happy as we make up our minds to be...

We all have critical choices either to choose happiness  or unhappiness.Here are some ways by which we can walk towards happiness rather then  towards unhappiness and fears .Take a few deep breaths ,check  your thoughts are they negative or positive , ask yourself fearlessly what would be right ,focus on that Choose to fight your  self doubts ,negativity  and failures Believe in yourself. So it's  just breathe ,choose ,focus ,believe and happiness will be waiting around the corner .Choose that something  MORE which makes life happy ...

Purr more hiss less -----------------
Create your own happiness -------
You win or you loose ---------------
Don't be bruised just call it a truce 

WAG MORE BARK LESS Wag more bark less -----------------
Life is a game of chess -------------
Make a joyful noise -----------------
With every choice -------------------

Love more  judge less---------------
Expand your hearts recess ---------
Spread smiles on your way --------
It brightens up everyones day -----

Relax more stress less ------------
Be calm and face life's mess ------
Learn to flow along ----------------
Obstacles make you strong --------

Listen more talk less -----------------
Learners mantra to success --------
Control your  tongue -----------------
It adds years to your lung -----------

Give more expect less ----------------
Expectations kill joy create stress 
Remember to care and share --------
Practice compassion everywhere --

Love more attach less ------------
Helps your pain to regress -----------
Run away from cat fight --------------
Living with peace is always right ----

Forgive more blame less -------------
Boosts your health to progress ------
Cuddle hormones rise above ---------
Heart  overflows with love ------------

Appreciate more  criticize less--------
Each of us is uniquely blessed -------
Let go your ego and pride ------------
Life will be a  beautiful ride -----------

Laugh more cry less ---------------------
Life is a blend of sorrow and happiness ,
Autumn  always gives way  to spring-
Let go your pain joy will begin -------

Smile more frown less -----------------
Love laugh play and pray relentless -
Contentment is your goal -------------
Liberate your  happy soul -------------

Best exercise is walking  a lot of 'walking away ' will do your life good 
'Walk away' from arguments that lead you to anger and nowhere..
'Walk away' from people who deliberately put you down...
'Walk away' from any thought that reduces your worth....
'Walk away' from the failures and fears that stifle your dreams..
The more you 'walk away' from things that poison your soul, the happier your life will be !!!

Monday, 15 September 2014


 No one is immune to loss of a loved one in life .These times are so tragic and tough that one looses balance for some time. The hardest part is acknowledging you will never see  them again ,the pain keeps coming back again and again . भुलाने की कोशिश करना भी है एक बहाना है याद करने का ( trying to forget is a way of remembering ) By locking oneself away from the world, one chooses to destroy any chance of ever finding happiness.Fate is not our enemy, We are. We cannot control life, but  we can choose what to make of it. " Look inside yourself everything you want is inside you " Surrender to HIM accept happily what you still have ,what he has blessed you with and see the difference .Identify our hidden potentials ,skills and hobbies and hone them to fill your life and life of others with joy .Life is too precious to live in remorse and pain.Make God your beloved ,for the truth is that love is the ultimate  which man aspires for in life to get and to give .So cherish this gift of life and live with love and devotion , discharging responsibilities and spreading smiles .Life will become beautiful once again .I share my thoughts in my hindi poem with an English version of the same .
 मेरे प्यारे परमात्मा 

ज़िन्दगी  के मोड़ पर 
जब हमसफ़र छूट जाते हैं 
आँखों के आँसू  
जब बह बह के सूख जाते हैं 
साँस चलती रहती है पर 
दडकन थम सी जाती है 
सूनी सूनी राहों पर 
दम जब घुटने लगता है
दूर दूर तक जब 
कुछ नज़र आता नहीं 
एहसास  ऐसा होता है जैसे 
ज़िन्दगी रूठ सी गई 
तब ज़िन्दगी ख़ुद अपने 
आग़ोश में ले लेती है 
सहलाती है समझाती है
जीने की राह दिखाती है 
अकेले अाए थे तुम यहाँ 
अकेले ही तुम जाओगे 
तेरा असली प्यारा हमसफ़र 
तेरे दिल में बसा हैै पहले से 
उसे तुम पहचान लो 
अपने अंतरआत्मा को जान लो 
अंदर छुपे परमात्मा को जान लो 
वो सदा तुम्हारे साथ है 
हर ज़िन्दगी  के सैलाब में 
वो ही नैया पार लगाएँगे 
अपने आप को उनपर करदे तू फ़ना 
ज़िन्दगी  बनी रहेगी सदा ख़ुशनुमा 
शुक्राने  और इबादत के गीत गाते रहना सदा 
ज़िन्दगी फिर से मुस्कुराने लग जाएगी 
प्यार के गैहिर्रे समुनदर में सुकून पाएगी !


On the path of life there comes a turn 
when you loose your loved one 
your heart and eyes just cry and cry 
till  they are wrenched absolutely dry 
you continue to breathe 
but your heart beat bequeathes 
lost and  lonely on life's path 
feeling strangled seething with wrath 
loosing life's meaning and your sight 
you imagine life sulking at your plight 
its  then  that life  just hugs you tight ,
soothes your wounds 
endears you not to fight 
but to flow  embracing the tide 
you came here alone
you will go back alone  
but you seem to forget 
your true beloved mate 
resides in your heart 
never  ever to part 
your pure soul sublime 
God is within you all the time 
in this tsunami of life 
just surrender ,let God drive 
silence your storm of thoughts 
have faith and trust in him 
he will open all your knots 
for his love will never die 
love him with gratitude 
you will then overcome 
your bitter attitude,
for he is your true soulmate 
never  will he abandon you 
what ever be your fate 
Listen to his loving voice within 
you will start loving life again 
Spread smiles love and laughter 
life will  become beautiful thereafter :) 

Dedicated to a loving friend who has just passed through a troubled phase in life 

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


                  WHY AM I FEELING SO NICE TODAY ? 

“Why are you in such a bad mood today? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?"  This is an often used phrase  when one  sees a person behaving in a bad mood ,feeling grumpy and making unpleasant faces for no obvious  rhyme or reason . This is because It is considered  to be bad luck to get out of bed on the left side. Therefore, if you got out of bed on the ‘wrong’ side (the left side), it was thought that you would have a very bad day. But you will  all agree that human behavior is ruled by human thoughts and not by the above mentioned superstitious myth .

Waking up in the morning with positive thoughts definitely helps you to reach your full happy potential the whole day long .You feel nice and confident about yourself .So choose your thoughts  the first thing as you wake up in the morning before your thoughts choose you .

Just  celebrate your existence each morning and each moment of life .Your mind is the window through which you see the world. Be  open minded, open hearted, and open handed.  Nothing more is needed. ALL IS WELL ... and so it is. Look up at the sky and say, “Thank you, I will do my best to make this a great day.” Just focus on what truly matters to you in life be happy and at peace .

Wake up every morning with a smile and say to yourself  " Something wonderful is possible today,  today will be a beautiful  day ,today I will not loose my cool ,will not become angry or think or do anything negative ,I will be patient and polite in all my dealings." Smiling is a healing energy.  Always find a reason to smile.  Smiles may or may not add years to your life but smiles  surely add life to your years.  

A consistent positive attitude is the cheapest ‘fountain of youth. You’ve got to dance like there’s nobody watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there’s nobody listening, and live like it’s heaven on Earth. So just be super positive and see the difference it makes in your day the whole day long .You will be wondering "why am I feeling so nice today ? " The reason you will soon realize is that you  chose to  wake up in the morning with  
gratitude in your heart and a mind full of positive thoughts !!! Have a nice day friends it's in your hands😄😄😄 

                  WHY AM I FEELING SO NICE TODAY ?

Why am I feeling so nice today?
Got up at dawn with a song of gratitude on my lips,
Blessed by the early morning golden sun ray,
My mind  danced in bliss and merrily skipped .

Why am I feeling so nice today ?
I smiled and laughed  without any reason ,
My heart was bursting with love all the way 
Oh my God !!! what a silly sweet season .

Why am I feeling so nice today?
Splashed my feet in the rain water puddles,
Jumped in the muddy water  splay and spray,
Rejoiced with children standing in huddles.

Why am I feeling so nice today ?
Gifted away my most cherished pearls 
Prayed for this feeling to never pass away 
Twisted my lips and played with my curls .
 Why am I feeling so nice today?
Hugged the little baby  learning to walk ,
Greeted an old couple strolling away 
Enjoyed the innocent children's sweet talk .

Why am I feeling so nice today?
Abandoned my bike and walked in long strides 
Ventured into the woods and went astray,
Singing with the birds ,with nature by my side .

Why am I feeling so nice today?
Want to love  and laugh more than a dozen score ,
Hunger and thirst seem far far away ,
All I want to do is  what I never did before.

Why am I feeling so nice today ?
My heart is overflowing with joy and bliss 
Thank you God, for this happiness ,I pray.
Life is beautiful with HIS divine soul kiss .

Pushpa Chaturvedi