Thursday, 26 February 2015


The secret of life 
Is nothing but love 

Where do I look for love ? 
Whom do I ask for love ?
Whom do I beg for love ? 
Where do I find love ? 

God whispered 
My dear child 
You don't look for love 
You don't ask for love 
You don't beg for love 
You don't find love 
You have to 
Become love 
You have to 
Be love 

Become love ? 
O dear God 
How do I 
Become love ? 

Don't look for 
Feeling love 
Feelings change 
Feeling love 
Can fade any day 
Become  love 
Love by choice 
Choose to become 
A loving person 
Choose to think and 
Act with love 

Choose love ? 
O dear God 
How do I 
Choose love ? 

To choose love
My dear child 
Love yourself first 
Fill yourself with love 
For what you 
Don't have for self 
You cannot share 
You are a beautiful soul 
Give love to the 
Soul in you 
Your beautiful soul 
Is  crying  for love 
Like a little baby 

O God 
Tell me more

My child 
Be fully present
Open the energy of the soul 
Let love energy flow 
Become love as a whole 

Give your 
Time and attention 
Are you  racing in life 
With a cursory glance 
Don't take that chance 
Pause for a moment 
Be  fully present 
To give and receive
Kind words and deeds 
Hugs and smiles 

See the best in others 
Not the worst 
Appreciate their best 
Accept their worst 
Understand them first 
Do your best 
Show grace 
Show compassion
Show good intentions 
Becoming love 
Has no short cuts 

Love my dear child 
Is never taken for granted 
It has to be reinvented 
Again and again 
Every day every moment 
Love is a miracle 
Pivotal and adorable 
You my child 
Are Gods miracle 
A pure loving soul 

My child ,
Stop looking for love 
Become  love. 
Stop asking for love 
Become  love. 
Stop begging for love 
Become  love.
Become the source of love energy 
Let your love energy overflow 
To touch others ....
Let your love energy overflow 
To  draw others to you ...
Become love and celebrate 

Celebrate love in your life 
Become love  my child 
For when you become love 
You will 
Be love 
That my child 
Is the secret of life 

Pushpa Chaturvedi