Tuesday, 9 July 2013


O  Ma  Durga ,you  are the one who bestows on us all happiness,
 O Ma Bhawani you are the one who is with us in our miseries and illness
The radiance of your  bright divine light is  all pervading and limitless 
Illuminating  our  life's  paths  to freedom ,peace and cheerfulness.

O Ma Durga your view is as enchanting as the moon,
Your  beautiful eyes and your divine face makes me swoon,
You are Gauri ,you are Parvati ,you are  Lord Shivas consort,
You are Anapurna and the timeless Bala Sundari  exuding divine spurt .

O Ma Durga ,Shiva ,Brahma and Vishnu all chant your praise,
You are the Goddess Saraswati who  gives wisdom to the sages.
You saved Bhakt  Prahlad  by taking the form of  Narsimha 
You are Goddess  Laxmi    reposed  by the side of Shree Narayana .

O Ma Durga your incarnations are innumerable and divine,
You  appear always to save this world and punish the spineless swines.
You redeemed in the world in the form of Bhairavi  to end it's sorrow,
Reposed gracefully on the Lion  you showed many sages a good tomorrow.

O Ma Durga ,you slayed  the thousand forms of the dreaded demons ,
In the ferocious form of  Goddess Kali , Mahisura  was given his last summons 
All men and women worship  Jwala ji the symbol of your divine  glory ,
Singing your  praise with devotion keeps away their grief and worry .

O Ma Durga  without your favor nobody can communicate with God,
Even Shankaracharyas penance remained unanswered and was flawed.
Till he sang your glory chanting  O Jagadamba Bhavani  for hours,
You showed mercy ,and made  peace with him bestowing his lost powers .

O Ma Durga please end my fears  ,desires ,passion and lust which torture me 
Bestow on me your  divine blessings to keep me happy is my earnest plea,
May I always receive your grace as long as I live ,recounting your glory to all,
May I always enjoy your divine shelter,O Ma  grant me favor at my every call .

                                     JAI  MA  DURGE 

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