Saturday, 31 January 2015



Where can you see love my child ? 

I see love in your eyes mother 
I feel love in your big  warm hugs 
I hear love in your honey sweet voice 
I smell love in your  enchanting breath

Come here my child 
Let us bathe in the glory of love  
In all Gods creations love abides 
Let us see ,feel ,hear and smell love ....

I see love in the blossoming wild rose 
I feel love as the  sun rays come close 
I hear love in birds chirping with mirth 
I smell love in the wet Mother Earth 

I see love in the earth kissing the sky 
I feel love touching the sea waves mingling by 
I hear love in the sea's roaring beseech 
I smell love in drifting sand  on the beach 

I see love in branches embracing on the tree top
I feel love touching the  pearly white  rain drops 
I hear love whispers of swaying paddy crops 
I smell love in the feathers that birds drop 

Where can you see God my child ?

I see God in you mother 
I feel God when you hold me tight 
I hear God when you sing even out of sight 
I smell God when you kiss me day and night .

Come here my child 
Let us see God in all that is around 
In all HiS creations God abides 
Let us see ,feel ,hear and smell God abound 

I see God In the  sun smiling bright
I feel God soaking sun rays in my prayer  
I hear  God In the  silence  of the night
 I smell  God In the stillness of the air 

I see God In the radiant colors of the rainbow 
I feel God In the  morning mist that blows 
I hear  God In the buzzing of the  busy bees 
i smell God In the  sweet cold fresh breeze 

I see God In the  lofty mountains touching the sky 
I feel God In the  water that flows in rivers rolling by 
I hear God In the pitter patter of the rainy showers 
I smell God In the fragrance of the  beautiful flowers 

I see God In the kind old man bent on his knees
I feel God in the butterfly perching still on my nose 
I hear God In the dogs  barking at the door 
I smell God in my cat snuggling close 

Is Love and God here in you and me 
Is Love and God everywhere we see 

Yes my dear child 
Can you see all that i see 
I see love and  God in you my child 
You are my smiling sun 
You are my laughing moon 
You are my twinkling star 
You are in all my dreams 
You are in everything i see 
You are Gods precious gift to me 

Tuesday, 20 January 2015



Are you waiting for a special occasion to enjoy life and have fun and laughter ?  If you are then  you are making a  gross mistake  and loosing out  a lot in life .Having fun and laughter in your daily life  in the present moment makes you more creative ,productive ,loving ,happy and accepting and all this contributes to increasing self awareness, internal peace and overall health .

Having fun means you do what you enjoy doing  keeping in mind that it has the capability to enhance your physical ,mental and spiritual health .Fun which gives you inner happiness that is fun which your soul enjoys is what helps  you to grow holistically .Only when we establish happiness within ourselves we can create a better self and a better world .

Don't take  life too seriously you could harm your health. Being spiritual does not mean being serious .In fact when you enjoy  what  you are doing you get connected  more to your true self ,you get more  tuned to your inner being .....for your inner being your soul is basically a happy  peace loving kind soul and by nurturing your soul you cultivate true inner happiness .

Some people think it's selfish and irresponsible to have fun with so much of misery around .But in fact  having fun  de stresses you ,relaxes you and keeps you mentally and physically healthy .It makes you capable of giving love ,compassion and happiness to others .

Mental health requires soul happiness .Only when you feel healthy,happy ,okay and  good  inside you can be of help to others and a useful member of the society .If you are stressed  or depressed you can neither  be of help to others  nor can you make yourself or others happy.

As we grow old we forget to have fun ,we no  longer do what we were enjoying earlier thinking it is beyond our age .Thats the commonest cause of depression while aging . We succumb to societal pressures  with the belief that fun loving activities are only for the youngsters and most fear that their peer group  and the youngsters may not look upon it kindly . 

But in reality what I have experienced is  different .Most would love to  celebrate life  as they did in their young days but feel hesitant to do so and thus loose out on creating fun loving happy moments of life .

The heart of the old beats  with same rate and rhythm as the heart of the young. "We don't stop playing because we grow old;we grow old because we stop playing " George  Bernard Shaw.

Sharing some of my musings of my happy fun loving soul who loves and enjoys nature 


I am a happy peaceful kind fun loving  soul 
I wonder why I always love laugh and  smile ,
I hear  my friends hellos  even from over a mile ,
I see wisdom confidence ,faith and strength coming my way ,
I want to be compassionate ,trustworthy and never go astray .

I am a happy peaceful  kind  fun loving soul 
I wonder why I jump with joy and bliss everyday 
I hear  Gods sweet angels sing and pray 
I see the innocent kids happily dancing away ,
I want to also join them to sing ,dance and play , 

I am a happy peaceful  kind  fun loving soul 
I wonder  why the sun shines daily so very bright ,
I hear the devoted priests chanting with all their might ,
I see  the humble sun rays warming all creations 
I want to also live with humility and warm loving sensation 

I am a happy peaceful kind fun  loving soul 
I wonder  who the beautiful  moon is wooing ,
I hear the stars  around  vying and cooing ,
I see the clouds gliding  gracefully with charm 
I want to  hug them all with my wide open arms.

I am a happy peaceful kind  fun loving  soul 
I wonder from where the vast mysterious sea comes from,
I hear the  myriad lofty sea waves roar and strum 
I see far  far away the sea kissing the sky ,
I want to fearlessly sail on waves riding high ,

I am a happy peaceful  kind  fun loving soul 
I wonder how this majestic tree was formed from a tiny seed 
I hear the birds chirping merrily together and flying in great speed 
I see millions of ants marching in rows without stampede 
I want to  also live with love and kindness without ego and greed .

I am a happy peaceful kind fun loving soul 
I wonder when I will unite to become one with the Divine
I hear a whispering soothing sound in my hearts mind 
I see HIS gracious Hallo around  glowing with a  shine 
I want to feel HIS Divine embrace and get entwined 

So are you ready to have some fun and nurture your soul  ðŸ˜„😄😄.........
DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT ;which makes you happy share what it could be 
CATCH UP ;with  old friends  or even make new friends ..along with having fun and laughter  it helps you practice love ,peace and forgiveness 
LAUGH EVERYDAY ITS LIKE INNER JOGGING  Share some laughing moments  ...

Friday, 16 January 2015


Most of us have heard this often " Familiarity  breeds contempt " Is this belief true ?Is it really familiarity  that breeds contempt or is it the consequences which arise after becoming more intimate ? 
One would think that being more familiar may pave a way for better love and understanding rather then contempt hence I would rather believe that " familiarity should breed liking rather then contempt " For if more exposure  has a hold on developing social relationships then, as we come to know more about others, we should come to like them more.
But unfortunately it is often seen that the more we come closer ,we tend to disregard each other start finding faults ,and ignore all their good  traits which we had earlier appreciated .We  become  judgmental ,demanding and disappointed  for not being given what we think is due to us as per our expectations .These thoughts spring from a feeling of possessiveness which creeps into the relationship .Such beliefs can prove to be harmful for married couples and even for best of friends .It’s better to tear down pride than allow pride to tear down relationships.
However sometimes familiarity does make you aware of  true negative traits so that  you decide to be at a safe distance from the negative energy  
An Aesop's fable ends with the moral derived being : Familiarity breeds contempt

When first the Fox saw the Lion he was terribly frightened, and ran away and hid himself in the wood. Next time he came near the King of Beasts he stopped at a safe distance and watched him pass by. The third time they came near one another the Fox went straight up to the Lion and passed the time with him, asking him how his family were, and when he should have the pleasure of seeing him again; then turning his tail, he parted from the Lion without much ceremony. Moral :  Familiarity breeds contempt

Amongst hindi proverbs which describe this  saying  to the nearest are ....
Door ke dhol suhavane lagte hain  ...The drums sound better at a distance
Ghar  kee murgi  dal  barabar ....Self possessions even when valuable are never valued 


Strangers in life's journey come together 
Each unique  and perfect in their own cadre 
Looking forward to bonding with love 
Not knowing how much familiarity is enough 

First impressions are said to usually last 
But alas ! when more is revealed these change fast 
The nearer they come the more closely they see
What looked pretty from far may now look ugly 

Is coming nearer the reason or something else ?
How does intimacy result in this unpleasant digress ?
Emotional closeness and love raises expectations 
Expectations not fulfilled lead to frustrations 

Over time  happiness seems to wither away 
Dishonor and negative energy comes into play 
Differences are neither accepted nor agreed upon 
Good vibrations and feelings appear to have gone 

You don't value each other as much as you should 
You take them for granted feeling they are not that good 
Devaluing each other creates  painful conflicts and contempt 
Valuing relationships needs a constant conscious attempt 

For familiarity to breed  a lasting  loving equation 
Give emotional support and respect in all situations 
Leave ego aside and accept the others position 
Embrace differences as part of a beautiful  relation 

So what do you think ? Does familiarity breed contempt OR love ?  Do some people treat strangers better then their family members ? 
Please share your views .

Pushpa Chaturvedi 


Many years ago  I once joked that if  a renowned newspaper ever wanted me to write my views on happiness in marriage .I’ll always believe in a happily ever after. “Happily ever after is not a fairy tale. It’s a choice.” God gave me this beautiful grace for the time he had destined it for us and I feel truly blessed and grateful .

Looking to marriage to make you happy is a fundamental mistake.It is YOUR OWN HAPPINESS  that you bring into your marriage that makes it so wonderful and beautiful .
Some one very rightly said  " A happy marriage is the union of two  good forgivers " When two imperfect people refuse to give up on each other ,argue less ,care and share more and love more it becomes a perfect marriage. 

Given all the tough times and conflicts  which come hidden in each happy package with some sigh- able melting moments  of  pain and love ,it is love at the end that wins Love crosses over all hurdles and makes you see commonsense .Love is always bestowed as a gift ,freely, willingly, and without expectation.We don't love to be loved ,we love to love.

Remember that happy couples are not couples that don’t fight. Rather they’re couples who fight fair and take responsibility for their  words and actions, no matter how annoyed they may feel inside during those moments but their love spark remains alive and that  is what beautifies the relationship further  for love endures for ever .Those whom you love are those whom you feel you have the right to fight with and the urge to make up with . For " love doesn't just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.”

Remember those days when you  were bickering and crying out your heart due to the happenings of the day but still couldn't  stop thinking of  love for each other all the way  for love conquers all differences .Love makes us do thinks we never thought we were capable of doing....I am sure It has happened with most of us at some bend in life .

Remember all  couples from time to time experience pulls in opposing directions, between what one wants or does and what the other would prefer. They often get upset  with each other but those who are emotionally mature and skill full get over the differences fast .Conflicts often become evident  when emotional tensions rise high Conflicts  however, needn't lead to ugly fights . One needs to cool down and then do the win win over talking  leaving ego aside to find a solution that leaves both feeling good and  being loved .


Remembering the days we didn't talk to each other,
I knew you always loved me more then yourself,
Despite that we sometimes fought  amongst ourselves,
With those hot and cold wars life spiced up by itself .

Remembering  the days we didn't talk  to each other,
My sulking at not taking me to my favorite movie,
Despite my pleading "you will like it ,it's really groovy"
You were absorbed in your book ,saying "I am very choosy"

Remembering  the days we didn't talk  to each other,
I was busy preparing for my  conference presentation,
Having no time to cook dinner as per your temptation,
You expressed regrets at marrying me with frustration .

Remembering  the days we didn't talk  to each other,
You forgot to take the children for dinner to the club,
I was busy in the hospital,the boys had ,had no grub,
My busy work schedule ,at times you snubbed.

Remembering  the days we didn't talk  to each other,
The day you scheduled your departmental dinner meeting,
No time for me except a hurried happy birthday greeting,
I cried and cried myself to sleep without even eating !!

Remembering  the days we didn't talk  to each other,
We had made all vacation plans to visit a hill station,
Suddenly plans were cancelled ,you forgo your vacation ,
In the interest of maintaining a good colleague relation .

Remembering  the days we didn't talk  to each other,
Despite all conflicts ,we remained best friends for ever  
We knew we couldn't stay apart long with hot and cold vibes,
Sometimes we even had to use  sweet and loving bribes !!! 

Today ,remembering  all this  brings  a smile on my face.
Something's were so silly , my memory just can't erase .
Happy marriages are made here on earth not in heaven 
With understanding ,accepting and following the vows seven :) 

Its ironical how often such moments increase love and bonding .It is these millions of silly and small moments of  breaking up and making up that create a  love story 

Do you agree that happily ever after is a choice ? 

I am sure each one of you must be having  such moments to share  here where you  must have felt foolish later that it was not worth loosing your cool and loosing your moments of happiness  and love .

Pushpa  Chaturvedi 

Friday, 2 January 2015


                                                     YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL SOUL 

God created us as BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEINGS but instead of  maintaining the sanctity of BEING ( ATMA or SOUL ) which is embodied with  SATGUNAS ( Pavitrata, Shanti, Shakti ,Gyan,Prem , Sukh ,Anand ) SEVEN QUALITIES of the soul  somewhere during our worldly journey we have lost these beautiful qualities and have become HUMAN DOING.

The original color of the soul  has been covered with layers  of ego, pride, unhappiness ,dishonesty hatred and violence and thus has become dirty and polluted .

All along we made the mistake of  beautifying our bodies when all the dirt was actually covering the soul ....घुल  à¤¥ी  à¤šैहरा à¤ªà¤° और हम à¤†à¤‡à¤¨े  à¤¸ाफ़ करते रहे .Soul cleansing thus becomes very essential if we want to live with peace and joy .The way to clean the soul would be to become conscious of  true soul qualities and keep on reminding ourselves  to live with awareness and stay awake so that the stains we have dirtied the soul with will slowly get cleansed .

O lord ,How  can I present myself at Your door with a dirty shawl,I am completely ashamed to think of the dirty shawl I will wear when I come back to You, to account to Yiu for my present 
Maili Chaadar Odhke Kaise
Dwaar Tumhaare Aaoon
Maili Chaadar Odhke Kaise

You sent me to this world with a spotlessly clean body and soul , free from the taints of evil, but I have stained it with the dirt of evil, enough to last for several births. How can I remove these countless stains?

Tune Mujhko Jag Me Bhejaa
Nirmal Dekar Kaayaa
Aakar Is Sansaar mey Maine
Isko Daag Lagaaya
Janam Janam Ki Maili Chaadar
Kaise Daag Chudaaoon…

                 YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL SOUL 
You are a beautiful exquisite soul 
With  seven glorious qualities in your  fold 
Superb and great attributes innate 
Resplendent Lords gifts ornate 

PURITY is souls golden shine 
It's as pure as gracious God divine 
Pristine as a stainless silvery slate 
Unsullied,chaste and immaculate 

PEACE ,calm and repose lies within 
It's serenity and tranquility is not hidden 
It navigates us to the path of self discovery 
A boon for leading us to spiritual recovery 

POWER  of the  sublime pure peaceful soul 
Energizes and masters our mind us as a whole 
Soul power the incomparable life coach 
For  thinking ,healing and spiritual growth 

KNOWLEDGE  is within to guide us in life 
Why do have to look for wisdom outside 
Soul knowledge has to be heard in silence 
Intuitions to solve adversities give guidance  

LOVE  just overflows from a peaceful soul 
Unconditional  sweet fragrance beyond control
Love accepts ,understands ,appreciates and forgives
Love expands our heart and oxygenates it to live 

HAPPINESS  an inborn character of each soul 
Discover  it inside  to make your life whole 
Pursuing happiness outside is futile and silly 
You already have it in you absolutely free 

BLISS the awesome embodiment of each soul 
Uncover and expose it to reach your goal 
God sent  you here as a bliss full spirit 
Graced and blessed with truth to inherit 

You are a pure ,peaceful ,powerful  soul 
You are a knowledgeable lovable happy soul 
Love  bliss and content  just overflows 
Don't ever tarnish it with layers of greed and ego ....


Pushpa  Chaturvedi