Tuesday, 23 June 2015


 Love has its own silent language and when nature converses in this language of love you begin to discover that you too are a part of this ever blooming nature.Love  and gratitude oozes from your expanded heart and you receive much more than you give or seek .

You embrace this sacred  love sensation with a feeling of immense satisfaction and become one with the awesome nature and with everything created in this Gods  beautiful world .You see Gods outstretched armscalling you to love all in the same way that he loves you .

We are all part of nature then why do we drift away from nature as we grow ?In this drift we also drift away from love .Love is truth .Why do we shy away from this truth ? To understand love we must first understand nature which is content and blissful .Nature reminds us in many ways that love is  in giving to others without expecting for nothing in nature lives for itself . 

A walk with  nature, whether by the  mountains. valleys ,sea, river, woods or the meadow works wonders for the  human soul .i share my musings on  venturing into the mountains with nature ,love and God 
❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️ 
Walking up the mountain 
encircled with flowing fountains 
 I see Gods beautiful world abound 
Where nature astounds 
and love  surrounds 
an echo resounds 
abruptly from nowhere 
I love you ....I love you 
chimes the fragrant air
My heart sings and leaps 
My emotions run wild and deep 

Suddenly I feel HIS grace 
In a loving tight embrace 
Winds encompassing me 
caressing my face 
blowing my hair in sweeps 
Golden sun rays 
kissing my flushed cheeks 
Dancing white clouds 
float gracefully around 
With musical silent sounds 
They whisper and greet 
I love you ....I love you 
they repeatedly  tweet
this echoes all over the land 
like a soul awakening band 

Nature has opened its loving heart 
Welcoming me as its beloved part 
Mingling with harmony and peace 
letting all  differences cease 
For we are all one our creator is one 
We are epitomes of love and elegance 
bathed in his  sweet benevolence 
singing gratitude with deep reverence 

With my hands folded in prayer
I smile at this beautiful love affair 
I bow with bended knees 
surrounded by whistling breeze 
My heart sings with ease 
I love you ....I love you 
yes that's  true 
Losing myself in this love 
Is the most noble virtue 

Looking at the vast skies 
My heart jumps in piles
I see HIM high above 
With eyes full of love
a halo shining bright
radiating divine light  
His wide open arms 
beckoning me to his side 
with an uncanny charm 
I hear and see him smile 
I love you ..I love you 
My precious child 
Let nature's peace flow in you
Like the sunshine flows into trees 
Like the rivers flow into the sea 

Thursday, 18 June 2015

अजीब दास्ताँ है ये

अजीब दास्ताँ है ये 

गुल ने कलियों से कहा,
मैं तुझ में था पहिले से छुपा,
तू ना जान सकी ये भेद मेरा ,
मेरा अंश  तो  है तुमसे  ही बना,
ये है मेरी अजीब दास्ताँ ,
रब कैसा है ये करिश्मा ।

लैहरों  ने  समुनदर से  कहा,
मैं तुम से अलग कभी थी ही नहीं ,
मैं तुम से निकली और हू तुम  में  बसी 
मैं तुझ से हुई ,और हुँ तुझ पे फ़ना ,
ये है मेरी अजीब दास्ताँ ,
रब कैसा है ये करिश्मा ।

किरणों ने सूरज से  कहा,
मुझे रोशनी तुमसे है मिली,
तेरी शक्ती है मुझ में भरी ,
मैं तुम्हारे ह्रदय से निकली ,
ये है मेरी अजीब दास्ताँ ,
रब कैसा है ये करिश्मा ।

कस्तूरी ने हिरन से कहा
तू ना हो इस तरह परेशान मेरी जान 
यूं ना तू मुझे ढूँढ मेरी बात मान 
मैं हूँ पैहिले से तुम में छुपी हुई 
ये है मेरी अजीब दास्ताँ ,
रब कैसा है ये करिश्मा ।

आत्मा  ने  मन से कहा ,
तू देख नहीं मुझको सकता,
मैं हूं तुम्हारे  दिल में बसी हुई,
तुम्हारे  देह से हूँ मैं डकी हुई,
पहचान मुझे मूर्ख इन्सान ,
क्यों बाहर ढूँढता है भगवान ।

ये है अधभुत  अजीब दास्ताँ 
रब का बनाया  सुन्दर  गुलिस्ताँ।
कहाँ  शुरू हुहा कहाँ ख़त्म हूआ 
आज तक नहीं जान पाया इन्सान 
जानने की ज़रूरत है भी नहीं 
जो रब ने बनाया सब कुछ है हसीन

पुष्पा  चतुर्वेदी 



Pure  silence is within me in here 
An apparent still space magically pure 
A rise a fall which eventually subsides 
Gives rise to a mystic nothingness inside 

Pure silence is my very BEING 
The truth I have always been seeking
Graced with nothing more nothing less 
Blessed am I with this pristine possess 

Pure silence  is real  and unchanging  
Unlike the outside noise ever changing 
This beautiful BEING is worth embracing 
Full of consciousness and love amazing 
Pure silence whispers softly in my ear 
You are not this You are not that 
You are a diamond embedded here 
Each facet shines revealing a clue 
Understand and know what is true 

Pure silence is the core of each living creation 
The seat of awareness and self realization 
Every single  breath and beat of yours 
Is driven by  it's powerful silent vibration 

Pure silence permeates your whole BEING 
It mysteriously spreads its beautiful wings 
Giving you all that you need ,seek and hope to see 
It allows  you to BE and to be FREE 

Pushpa Chaturvedi 

Tuesday, 9 June 2015


 THEY kept speeding and listening to the din outside 
Never stayed still to listen to what comes from inside 
Became restless and stressed during the ride 
THOSE who were awakened by their inner voice 
Enjoyed the silence and peace away from the noise 

THEY kept dreaming of possessing all they saw 
Couldn't resist sense desires drooling with awe 
Their needs multiplied they were never satisfied 
THOSE who remained content with what they had 
Never felt  unfortunate jealous unhappy or sad 
 THEY kept hoarding selfishly all they possessed 
Even connived to grab others shares instead 
No amount of what they had was ever enough 
THOSE who generously gave away all they could 
Spread happiness and joy and felt so good .

THEY lived their life imprisoned in ego and greed 
Went to any extent to make others hearts bleed 
Ultimately it was they who fell face down indeed 
THOSE who honored  integrity humility and honesty 
Lived a life without fear preserving their dignity 
 THEY loved with expectations to be fulfilled 
When not as expected their joy was killed 
Love lost its charm giving way to conflicts 
THOSE who loved unconditionally without expectations 
Understood and accepted happily without frustration 

THEY could never reach the shore despite all they had 
Possessions made them heavy that they drowned instead 
They never let go ego ,attachment ,lust greed and rage 
THOSE who lived a life of  love content  and sacrifice 
Flowed effortlessly and reached the shore of paradise 
 OH GOD !!! bless me to be THOSE and not THEY 
Give me the wisdom to follow your voice and pray 
Catch my hand  tight don't let me go astray 
Then only can I become love bliss and peace 
Become one with you so that my shadows cease  
Pushpa  Chaturvedi