Friday, 3 March 2017

Counting the stars......

Counting the stars 
On dark and cloudy nights 
I miss counting the twinkling lights 
for soaking up the stars 
into my very being 
and gazing at their beauty 
is more than a joyful dream 

This kaleidoscope in the sky 
is what gives me great joy 
past and present shines bright 
as I look at the shimmering  lights 
counting the little sparkles 
in the surrounding darkness 

Hanging up so high 
they fill the huge sky 
from horizon to horizon  
they keep beaming their light 
like steadfast little lamps 
showing the way to heaven 

watching the world below 
with their eyelids wide apart 
they guide the moving waters 
to reach safe shores 
and the many wandering souls 
to steer their way home  

In them live our cherished lost souls 
smiling n' shining bright  up so high 
sending  messages of love 
as our hearts sigh and cry 
telling us they are safe up there 
and we have nothing to fear 

Some of my best thinking 
has been done looking at stars
It’s a meditation too, peaceful  
watching their radiance from afar 
I get lost in their glow n' glitter 
and know not what they are 

Then I look within and listen 
the same light shines in my being 
the light from the eternal spark 
that gives the sun the moon 
and the stars in the dark 
luster  to reflect and glisten ! 

All rights reserved @ Pushpa Chaturvedi 

1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful......watching...
    Sometimes immersed..... In meditation......
    Sometimes...hoping for the departed.
    Sometimes thinking of the Light.....
    Same light.......which is illumining the self.....wondering.....
