Saturday, 9 November 2019



You think you've seen the sunshine 
Just continue to silently walk with me 
it's the  mesmerizing mysterious twilight 
which tastes like heady old vintage wine ..

basking in twilight’s  glory I rest for a while 
reminiscing my many wandered squandered miles 
when all I needed was unbroken sunshine 
twilight never ever was my  logistic lifeline 

Desires were so big I kept running after time 
never ever chose to miss the golden sunshine
I kept chasing away the scattered raindrops  
and basking under the sunbeam on the roof top 

Time clocked on ,black clouds covered the sun 
wrapped in  the canopy of  tattered shrouds 
I kept gasping and fighting for my vital breath
as if it was mpending death in life and life in death 

It’s then that the  beauty of twilight  dawned within 
In the turning of twilight came the shadows of moonlight 
soothing my soul in the waves of tranquility coming through 
life became meaningful as I embraced the  darkness anew 

Yes that’s so very true....
life gets new meanings as it continues 
You think you've seen the splendid sunshine 
Just continue to  silently walk with me 
it's the  mesmerizing mysterious twilight 
which tastes like heady old vintage wine 


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