Tuesday, 11 December 2012


Siting  alone by the seaside ,
I wondered  what  the  sea waves  were trying to say?
Their  loud roar suggested ,they  had nothing to hide ,
Or was it just  an overplay,
To bury their sorrows in the noise of the incoming tide ?

Sitting alone by the seaside,
I wondered  if  they were shielding their  wounds ?
Trying to drown their painful cries ,
 In the din  of the waves traveling on the rebound,
The sea water jumping with each fall and rise .

Sitting alone by the seaside ,
I wondered  where each wave  was going ahead?
Far away into the  horizon  disappearing  away ,
Chasing each other in the huge sea spread,
 And dancing  along in a graceful sway .

Sitting alone by the seaside,
I wondered   if the waves which came back to the shore 
Were the same  which had been here before ?
Why were they  always rolling above and below ?
Were they searching for  their lost love in the prancing water flow ?

Sitting alone by the seaside ,
I wondered  why God  created such  a mystery ?
What is  actually the  sea waves  real history ?
 Like the lofty sea waves ,my mind   also swayed ,
 It sometimes soared high and sometimes caved,
 I prayed to the Almighty ,
"Give me enough  courage and strength ,
To control  my mind  at a positive  wavelength"

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