Thursday, 30 May 2013


I am here ,but  I don't see you here,
Where are you my dear  brother,
Your loving smile is haunting me,
Your cute child like face I want to see.

Your hearty laugh and your warm hug,
On disagreeing with me your shoulder shrug,
The  memorable childhood days we spent,
Your love and anger ,the gifts you sent. 

The fun and frolic  we three siblings shared,
Our secrets and  plans to each other we bared,
I   was  always the pampered little sister,
But at times you both made me cry my dear brother.

I remember the days you pleaded with me,
Not to reveal your naughty acts to mummy,
Bribing me with the things  I  liked ,
I  always tried to  do what you wanted .

Our  fights  and  making up made my days,
Caring ,sharing and your adamant ways,
Your  big  brother  concern  you always showed ,
Life was beautiful together on life's road 

Fighting back my tears is all I do know,
Consoling my loving sis in law ,but how?
God give us courage and  strength to endure,
The seething pain in our hearts to heal and cure .

I know now you are  safe  in Gods  lap,
Released from the pain ,in a blissful nap.
But still  my dear brother we are searching for you,
In this corner here ,where we always found you.

Remember dear brother we all love you  very much.
We pray to God  for your soul to rest in peace and happiness .

Death of a loved one is a reminder that there are few things in this life that  we can never control.
Death being one of them .
I lost my beloved elder brother  recently .
Trying hard  to keep back my tears ,feeling the intense pain and praying to God . To lose a brother is to lose someone with whom you share  your growing up years and share the experience of growing old, who brings you a sister-in-law and nieces and  nephews who  are a part of the tree of your life and give it new branches and new meanings .
Rest in peace  dear brother .

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