A greedy business man yearned for more and more .
On learning of a treasure hidden on a high sandy hill
Far far away on the huge rocky seashore .
He trudged all alone to get a bag filled
Slipping many a times while walking upward,
Enduring the blazing sun and the blowing sand ,
He continued the difficult climb totally undeterred
to reach the hill top and grab the treasure in his hand .
At last he was there feeling happy and aware ,
that soon he would have the riches in his bag .
But alas !he saw only a huge rock nearly square .
He wondered now ,what could be the real snag ?
Oh ! I know he thought the treasure must be under the rock .
Puffing and huffing hard he turned the heavy rock stone .
On spotting a silvery shine on the opposite side of the block .
He shouted in ecstasy"Eureka ! there's silver here ,now my very own "
He rubbed very hard to shed the silvery sand ,
An inscription then he found clearly engraved
"Greed is the root cause of evil in this land
You should be satisfied with what you have in hand "
The greedy business man now realized his mistake ,
Returned to his house to work and hardly took a break
Became sincere and trust worthy in his business dealings ,
What he earned now gave him joy and satisfied his feelings .
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