Friday, 4 October 2013



Her loving son was home today 
She  had no words to say ,
She hugged him tight instead ,
And felt her heart melt away .
The close warm hug kindled him ,
 Love just over flowed to the brim .

Two friends hugged each other ,
It showed they cared  liked loving brothers ,
They shared their sorrows and joys 
Hugging  like cute little boys .
They felt so nice and warm inside ,
Love and trust just poured in tides 

Mother cuddled her baby with a squeezing hug ,
The baby  curled up to her bosom feeling loved and snug .
The smiling girl  hugged her lovely white teddy bear ,
The soft closeness spoke of the love they shared .
It's funny how a hug makes everyone feel so good ,
In every place and time it is always understood .

A hug is an amazing way to show your love feelings ,
Exchange hugs with your loved ones they are so healing .
A hug builds trust and makes way for honest communication.
It is a magic remedy for anger ,loneliness and isolation .
A hug boosts  immunity ,relaxes muscles and reduces  pain 
It increases self esteem and self love a real long term gain .

Serotonin released  elevates moods and creates happiness ,
Oxytocin level increase creates bonding and closeness 
The pleasure hormone Dopamine's  levels are  boosted 
The stress hormone Cortisol gets a beating and is suppressed .
Hugs reduce stress,anxiety and high BP ,hence are  great for the heart .
So don't forget to hug your loved ones when you meet and part 

One hug equals to two as you give and receive 
Love  flows both ways and your insides  sense relieved ,
Relationships  are strengthened  energies  are exchanged 
Trust compassion and empathy  are  willingly perceived 
So just open up your hearts and open up your arms .
Hug your loved ones more often it never ever harms .

Do you give out a lot of hugs?
How much do you love hugging?
Some one  said ......
We need four hugs a day for survival. 
We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. 
We need twelve hugs a day for growth.
Do you agree ? 


A hug  from  your loved one works wonders ...your love crush ,your spouse your kids  ,your best friend ,mother , your grandma, that adorable little baby , your cousins  etc I think we can all agree that hugging is awesome. A hug exchanged in joy or sorrow eases you heart and soul . It makes you feel good and it makes you smile.  It is many a times  better then words and it’s also awesome because it actually benefits your body  in many many ways by releasing  good hormones which are great for your physical ,mental and spiritual health that you probably didn’t know about. In some communities greeting  even  on the first introduction is done with a mild hug and a peck .

In fact  hugging  is like  meditation and laughter ,an extremely effective healing  therapy in sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress.The gentle pressure on the sternum creates an emotional charge which activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body's production of white blood cells, which keep us healthy and disease free.

A proper deep hug, where the hearts are pressing together, benefits you in  many ways: It nurtures  trust and a sense of safety, heals feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger and elevates moods  Hugs  also strengthen the immune system and reduces tension ,helps the muscles to relax Hugs teach us how to give and receive.  and thus educate us how love flows both ways.The energy exchange between the people hugging is an investment in the relationship resulting in win-win outcomes.  Hugging makes you a better and a more compassionate  and an empathetic person and  softens your personality 

 The cuddles we received from our  parents while growing up  tell us we are loved and special .These remain imprinted  in our cells and therefore, connect us to our ability to self love and increase our self esteem 

Hugging is beneficial as long as you trust the person you embrace  not if you’re hugging randoms. In fact hugging people you’re not close to or you don’t know at all raises anxiety levels and actually makes you more stressed out .Obviously. How would you feel if you got a hug from a complete stranger out of nowhere? 

So if you’re feeling lonely  and sad, go ahead and ask your loved ones to hug you. Or  you just go and hug them. Obviously, you’ll feel much better in the end. 

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