Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Perfect imperfection is what I am,
Speaking lies , I strongly condemn,
But innocent lies  I speak sometimes,
To make life a happy and pleasant chime.

When something is not worth a credit,
"It wasn't me" I quietly say and sit,
When i am clueless while conversing,
I often say "oh yes that makes sense"

Having lunch ready may take a little  longer ,
But it's "it'll be on the table  in 5 minutes  sir"
"I just loved it" I even say this for a gift I disapprove,
Hurting ,will only spoil relationships we want to improve .

Claiming ignorance is sometimes  required,
Saves  me from insubordination as desired ,
Being caught speeding while driving,
I blurt "No ,officer , no idea how fast I was going"

"Oh! Yes you look great in that dress" I say,
Telling the truth here is never going to pay,
"I thought I had already informed you" I say,
Saying " I forgot "may hurt , giving my mistake away.

" Had I been there ,things would have been different"
I often say this to friends  caught in a difficult stint,
I am a superwoman , I want them to perceive,
I  say it in good intentions ,never ever to deceive .

As long as I am not hurting or causing damage,
These white lies absorb potential friction and rage,
Rigid optimism  can harm relationships nurtured overtime,
Innocent lies help us to cushion ourselves all the time.

So next time you want to save a hectic situation ,
A white lie can be used with great perfection!

Foot notes :-
White  lies are often minor,harmless, diplomatic or well-intentioned untruths specially  uttered in the interests of tact or politeness.
Everyone tells a white lie on some occasion, it’s just a question of why? 
Some white lies save relationships, some ease a hectic situation, and others buy us time.  The list could go on forever. 
Honestly, I think the world is probably a better place because of our white lies.

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