Monday, 14 January 2013


It was a lovely sunny day ,
When the sun shines make hay,
But I have loads of work to do ,
This joy I just cannot pursue.
Waking up  the kids for school in time ,
This has to be done as a job most prime.

Tiffins to be packed for office and school,
My mind just goes round like a whirlpool,
Tackling taste buds of one and all,
Who likes that and who doesn't like that
Is never an easy job to recall ,
I wish  I had this program  installed .
On a click I would the be able to pack all .

Hurrying the kids to get ready fast,
Oh my God !,unwillingly I have to lambast ,
They rush through breakfast leaving morsels behind,
It is the school bus time  , I have to remind .
Harnessed with heavy school bags on their back ,
At last I see them  running in time on the track.

Our morning tea has taken a back  seat ,
My hubby is waiting impatiently for this  treat,
Busy with the newspaper in his hand ,
He sips the hot tea , ignoring me .
While I drink my tea , I plan my day ahead ,
Housework and office timelines ,oh what a busy spread!

Attending to telephone calls is another matter,
I wonder how people get time in the morning for such chatter ,
The door bell rings oh so often ,
Running from the kitchen leads to exhaustion ,
Hubby keeps calling when he can't find his things,
I wish God  had given me some extra limbs.

My house helper has taken a break this morning 
I wish she had given me a prior warning ,
I  quicken my speed  in utter disbelief ,
Even  on finishing work ,I have no time to sigh in relief,
No time to get ready leisurely for work ,
Somehow I  manage a smart look  , 
No time to  give my look a better perk .

Speeding to reach office in time ,
Breaking through signals is a crime ,
At the stroke of nine I am there ,
My colleagues all give me a  caring stare,
Thank you God ,I say in  my heart ,
For being with me from the very start .

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