Thursday 18 December 2014


Sitting with friends we were discussing inner beauty . Each shared their own views on ways to enhance the beauty of the soul .New year being just around the corner In 2015  we thought it would  be great if we ring in some reforms in our thoughts and ways of life to live  by refocusing our energy towards positive way of living life to herald in more peace and joy in life and these are the thoughts that emerged .

Tie no weights to your  anklets ,
Don't make your heart heavy 
Your  mind loaded and restless .
LET GO all  vices ,pain and stress 
Become free of negativity 
It enhances your  life longevity 

Unburden and become light 
Keep smiling and spread smiles 
Be loving ,compassionate and kind 
That's how inner beauty is defined 
Inner beauty puts a glow on your face 
You experience abundant Gods grace  

Become beautiful inside 
Experience  happiness and bliss


Let go your anger and irritation 
Let go your bitter confrontations 
Let go your suspicions and doubts 
Let go your tendency to shout 

Let go comparing  and complaining 
Let go  fighting ,condemning and criticizing 
Let go binding yourself to shackles of chains  
Let go  carrying weights of past hurt and pains 

Let go  yesterday's painful tragedies 
Let go burdens of past causalities 
Let go what you can't change today 
Let go and accept what comes your way 

Let go dumb things that break your happiness 
Let go  expectations frustrations and stress 
Let go acting standoffish and unapproachable 
Let go being egoistic and demandable.

Let go  the belief that some people are below you 
Let go your pride and making others subdued 
Let go being lazy and making others do your duty 
Let go intimidating people and showing cruelty .

Let go the  idea that you are a status symbol 
Let go that others are inferior and not fit to mingle 
Let go the thought that you do not have enough 
Let go  stuff you don't need just give it up 

Let go seeking happiness from outside of you 
Let go looking for rewards for good deeds you do 
Let go speaking lies live with honesty and integrity 
Let go living a life of  show off and hypocrisy 

Let go neglecting your health and your needs 
Let go procrastinating your essential deeds 
Let go  fear, impatience and taking failures to heart 
Let go talking negative to self otherwise you will fall apart 

Let go all negative influences of  any weather 
Let go  changing  yourself just to impress others 
Let go needing everyone to like your personality 
Let go  pleasing all by loosing your originality 

Let go hate  live with love and compassion 
Let go being selfish be kind in words and actions 
Let go just surrender and accept what HE wills 
Let go all desires and become happiness and bliss .

Pushpa Chaturvedi 

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