Wednesday 18 March 2015


Please ponder on the scenes  below and  find what is similar in all of them 

Scene no 1 
She smiled at me and said hello,
Feeling happy my face  glowed 
We exchanged merry pleasantries 
Present  and past loving memories 

Scene no 2 
She brushed past me without a smile 
Why then should I go an extra mile ? 
Wonder why she is behaving this way 
Don't I have my self esteem to save 

Scene no 3 
We shared good vibes and family alliance 
Despite she turned her haughty head away in silence 
I remember on my day she had not cared to wish me  
I care a two pence to greet her on her anniversary 

Scene no 4 
Oh my God she is ignoring me outright 
Do I have to bother about being polite ? 
When she ignores me it's only fair 
That  I turn away and  don't bother to care .

Scene no 5 
They were all laughing standing under the tree 
I heard them  gossiping and making fun of me 
Quickly I gathered my friends under my thumb 
And instigated then to bicker bad about them 

***Please note ..the she and I are  used just to explain the scene 

Did you find  the similarity  between them ? 
Do you think the reactions were  appropriate? 
Would you have behaved in the same way ? 
Is there anything wrong  with this type of behavior?  
Please  do not read further till you have answered these questions to yourself !!!

The similarity is that we copy the behavior  of others through out ...this is very common We tend to send the same feelings and vibrations which are sent to us . ...Whole day we are copying  and copying not only negative behavior( scenes 2,3,4,5 ) but  also positive behavior  ( scene 1 ) .This is because we don't have to think to copy .Its like believing in tit for tat 

When others hurt us we tend to hurt them but remember... 

Negative  vibrations which come from others to us can either be : - 
REFLECTED back to them without changing and that  means EGO is at work .
ABSORBED by us without reacting out of FEAR 
TRANSFORMED  to positive energy  with the power of LOVE and sent  back 

When the  energy created  by the behavior of others  is passed back in the same way without changing it, it amounts to continuous exchange of the same quality of energy and that energy goes on and on ....and when it is negative then instead of creating love ,peace and harmony in relationships  we  increase conflicts and misunderstandings  and love goes flying out of  relationships .

Rather then tending to act and sound alike Instead we need to PAY ATTENTION ,BECOME AWARE AND MAKE EFFORTS to change leaving aside our ego towards creating positive energy  from negative energy to be happy and at peace .Generally when you are good to the other person  he will also be good  to you .We must do unto others what we want done to us .The best way to break a bad habit is to create a healthy habit .

Knowing that people have a tendency to copy ...if we send positive vibrations even after receiving negative vibrations the chances are the other person will copy  you and smile ,not ignore you ,talk politely ,wish you etc , a loving attitude will start ,initially it may be only from the outside but a beginning will be made hoping for a  truly better relationship to flower  ...and the conflict will then  be on its way to resolve into  love and harmony .

We often do not know the reasons for the negative behavior of people ...may be  they were  in a disturbed mood  or it may  even be their ego ...but if we keep  to our true  personality of being a loving soul instead of waiting for them to change and  we respond to all situations by transforming with love and humility we will get love and  positive energy from them .

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