Saturday 28 March 2015


Peace ,happiness and love are our essential  innate nature. Looking into the eyes of an innocent little baby clearly reveals that we are all born with peace and  bliss in tune with our beautiful soul our very true being .

Over time, it seems to be the most natural thing to connect with the outside world and  in the maze of the noise and desires we stray away from the path of love and peace which slowly gets veiled with love for power and greed thus creates strands of violence and  hatred .

Inner peace comes with practicing love ,humility, honesty, patience and accepting all as life unfolds and it stays permanently only when ego and pride are washed away .We are then able to calmly see all our mistakes and work on them to fill our day with joy and peace.

To do at each moment the best we can do and not to  worry but to leave the result to the Divine's decision at his feet is the ultimate way to peace and happiness 

Where did you loose your inner peace today ? It's worth introspecting daily to be able to work on self .Only when we develop inner peace can we bring peace  to others in this world 

Dive and drown in the  deep ocean of peace 
This demanding body and  restless mind  must cease 
Let the beautiful loving soul shine and lead
There is no other zealous better way to plead 

Even after  you sing Vedic verses of Godly praise 
Its  only with peace within  that you feel God's grace 
Even after you have travelled to temples far and wide 
Peace within is the ultimate pilgrimage of life to abide 

Peace within is awakened at the Divine Feet of  God 
Surrender  with love and devotion and see HIM nod 
Peace is  not given by asking HIM in prayers 
It comes when you live life with the wisdom HE shares .

Ego and pride slowly dissolve with each dive 
Anger , greed  and hate have no reason to survive 
Happiness,love,forgiveness,humility and integrity thrive 
Heart  dances blissfully in a peaceful rhythmic drive  

Materialism can never give peace and tranquility 
Spirituality is the mantra for serenity and equanimity 
Peace radiates spiritual energy and reposes calm 
Mental peace heals emotions like a soothing balm 

Dive and drown in the deep ocean of peace 
There is no other amended way to appease 
There is no  healthier radiance then peace 
Pray in silence with faith ,bow and bend your knees 

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