Thursday, 28 February 2013


What is happiness ? My mind posed a myriad questions,
In pursuit of happiness, I learned these few lessons .
To reach our dream goal ,we must start the ball rolling,
Don't concentrate on the finishing line ,but enjoy the bowling.

Our initial steps may falter and be small and imperfect,
With our sincerity,faith and trust we can overcome the defect .

We have the power for our life's choices and decisions,
Blaming others for our plight should never be our mission.

Learning to accept change is vital to our success and happiness,
When we change ,we grow and understand the world we witness.

Changes take place in our lives, irrespective of our desire,
Embrace them good or bad , inner strength  we acquire .

Let go what you can't control ,to be free of misery and frustration,
Change your attitude,focus on positive,life will be worth appreciation,

Quit talking down to yourself , it becomes very destructive,
Replace self doubt with  self belief ,your life become productive .

Don't criticize others ,focus on yourself ,stop seeing their flaws,
Accept your imperfections, keep so busy, no time to pause.

Don't run away from your problems and fears,face them bravely,
Take chances and make decisions , own them  ultimately .

Quit lamenting or living in your past , live  for now ,live for today .
Don't fret about your future , enjoy  life's  present pleasant play.

Love yourself,be yourself there is no one like you,you are unique,
Don't compare ,compete  or imitate that will make you weak .

Forgive yourself and others, it works wonders for your body and soul,
Love and kindness payed forward ,helps reach  your happiness goal .

No matter how you feel ,
Wake up each day with gratitude in your heart ,
Forget what you missed ,
Count what you have ,your day will get a head start !!!

The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase: if you pursue happiness you'll never find it.
What we need to pursue is to reach a state of mind  which is full of happy thoughts and you are at peace with yourself .
"Happiness is when … What you think , What you say and What you do are in Harmony   ~ Mahatma Gandhi


She came from Venus and he came from Mars,
Settling down on earth together his and hers became ours.

As time passed by their different origins they forgot,
Resulting  in  many a conflicts and thorny  tight spots .

Her helping him with unsolicited  advice is what he abhorred ,
His competence  he valued and hated it to be underscored.

She shared her upset feelings  to get empathy and support ,
Instead he gave his expert advice ,she rejected it with a snort.

She valued  love ,communication and sharing relationships,
He valued  achieving goals ,solving problems and getting the grips.

She strived to improve his caring with constructive criticism ,
He felt  things not broken don't need fixing ,disliked her lyricism .

On being upset he  withdrew into himself ,till he got  the solution,
And lost awareness of other responsibilities  needing his attention,

His ego  prevented him form  sharing his troubling mind,
She felt neglected , resenting his being aloof and unkind.

On feeling upset she shared  her problems with full trust ,
Her ego depended  on loving relationships ,and ability to adjust.

Listening to her problems ,  he assumed she was blaming him,
He quickly become defensive , making the situation more grim.

The Martians  only talked to convey  or gather information,
The Venusians talked to explore and release their emotional vibration.

 Finally ! they realized the innate difference in their thinking,
Gave each other respect ,understanding and a kind ear for listening.

They changed their tone ,used right words to convey their feelings,
Chose to be more sensitive ,understanding  and patient in their dealings .

They gradually learnt to release their judgement and blame,
Resulting in a deserving loving relation like a glowing flame .

Foot notes :-
Not only do men and women communicate differently but they think, feel, perceive, react, respond, love, need, and appreciate differently. They almost seem to be from different planets, speaking different languages and needing different nourishment.
Understanding  these differences helps resolve much of the frustration in dealing with and trying to understand the opposite sex. Misunderstandings and  Incorrect expectations can be avoided.
You can relax and cooperate with the differences instead of resisting or trying to change them.


Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Attending to our duties ,hiding our depressing emotions ,
Our job demands perfection, concentration and devotion,
Ensuring that we act in the best interest  of our patients ,
Emotional involvement may dilute clinical implications.

Empty  conference rooms to cry for the pain we see,
We are human ,we have the same feelings ,you will agree
Controlling our vulnerability needs an inner determination,
Life teaches us the limits of demonstrating emotional vibrations.

Physician patient relation has place for love and compassion,
Heart to heart talks  build faith,trust and give satisfaction,
Crying publicly still  remains to be a professional prohibition,
Despite humanistic awakening ,such emotions we curb and stiffen.

No ,we are not stone hearted ,neither are we unconcerned,
We don't  cry with you , but professional  ethics we haven't spurned,
Our  choking  hidden emotions have helped us to  grow,
A  warm gentle touch  reveals our emotional overflow .


My two little  angels , adorable and  pretty,
When together they  are a delight to see,
Their pranks are oh ! so  cute  and witty,
For mischievous play  they hardly disagree.

The house feels alive with their giggles all around
Their girly play is always  a secretive pleasure,
Shooing away their brother on hearing his sound,
Playing and laughing together, is what they  treasure .

The play kitchen they set up is a sight to see ,
Complete with all modern gadgets so cute,
They then come to us to take order for evening tea,
Serving it with make believe snacks  and fruit.

Their dancing to popular music we all enjoy ,
It's then that they need their brothers help ,
He  plays  the music and suddenly turns it off as a ploy,
They get so annoyed and cry ,shriek and yelp.

Teacher and student  they often like to play ,
Dolls  weddings with  all rituals are celebrated  as well,
Scrabble and chess  with their brother  makes his day,
Their never ending chats ,make their  moods swell.

Sharing their story books they never forget,
For hours they sit huddled  up reading the best,
Their appetite for reading,is a scholarly asset ,
It stimulates their writing ability ,we feel truly blessed.

On being separated at the end of their visit,
They feel disappointed to part ways so soon,
Embracing and hugging their love they solicit ,
Goodbye ,tata  and see you soon , they croon . 

This poem is for my two little princesses , my lovely grand daughters .
They  always look forward to being together . 
The love and affection  they share is great and amazing .

Monday, 25 February 2013


We ,twins sit deep inside the back of your belly,
Work really hard and make  your urine so smelly,
I am Right  i sit a little lower and i am bit smaller,
I am Left i occupy a place little above and i am larger.
If for any reason one of us fails ,the other takes over fully,
You can rely on  our working , which goes on  continuously.

We throw out the poisons collected in your body,
Maintain you blood ph and BP ,try our best not to be shoddy.
We produce hormones for maintaining  blood , BP and good health,
We protect your heart and are a crucial part of your body's wealth .
Diabetes, high BP, infections and toxins make us sick,
These ailments must be prevented and managed very quick.

Our wish list to keep us healthy  is not  tough,
If you remain active  our blood flow increases enough,
This helps  us to flush out your heaps of terrible toxins,
Eat  a  diet free of urea and uric acids ,you have no options.
We love it when you drink plenty of water regularly,
We need a minimum of two and a half liters daily.

We hate when you smoke or take hard drinks,
The toxins they produce put our bodies in a jinx.
Sometimes our sickness may be inherent or immune mediated,
Our regular heath check ups  are important and most appreciated .
Our job is  quite tough as you can guess,
Your will power is solicited to look after us.

To enjoy good health we cannot be neglected,
If we become sick your life will be  stressed,
Though we are small  bean shaped  weighing only 150 gms each,
Your loving  and doting care is what we always beseech .