Sunday, 10 February 2013


The mood of love is  smelling  great,
The fragrant flowers are spreading their bait.
The flowers you receive on this valentine ,
Will give away your lovers secret mind.

The light sweet heady  scent of the blooming Rose 
Spells magic, enchantment and a high romantic dose.
The Lillie's exotic  light fragrance is purifying,
Soothing ,sensual ,cleansing and strengthening.

The  Passion flower  a mix of sweet floral and citrus scent,
Ignites cheering and refreshing passion ,a real torment .
The Jasmine fills the air with a  subtle calm,
It's refreshing sweet  smell is a romantic balm .

The Orchids with their traditional scent of love ,
Lasting  sensuality  and romance ,rule high above.
The enhancing smell of freshly cut Tulips,so pure,
Uplifting  ,relaxing and romantic for sure .

The scent of  romance rides  high in  any flower bouquet ,
Wish I get the flower I love on this diehard lovers day !!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice poem Mam.
    Specially last two lines...I die for

    Parvin Ansari (1971 batch of MGIMS)
