Tuesday, 26 February 2013


My two little  angels , adorable and  pretty,
When together they  are a delight to see,
Their pranks are oh ! so  cute  and witty,
For mischievous play  they hardly disagree.

The house feels alive with their giggles all around
Their girly play is always  a secretive pleasure,
Shooing away their brother on hearing his sound,
Playing and laughing together, is what they  treasure .

The play kitchen they set up is a sight to see ,
Complete with all modern gadgets so cute,
They then come to us to take order for evening tea,
Serving it with make believe snacks  and fruit.

Their dancing to popular music we all enjoy ,
It's then that they need their brothers help ,
He  plays  the music and suddenly turns it off as a ploy,
They get so annoyed and cry ,shriek and yelp.

Teacher and student  they often like to play ,
Dolls  weddings with  all rituals are celebrated  as well,
Scrabble and chess  with their brother  makes his day,
Their never ending chats ,make their  moods swell.

Sharing their story books they never forget,
For hours they sit huddled  up reading the best,
Their appetite for reading,is a scholarly asset ,
It stimulates their writing ability ,we feel truly blessed.

On being separated at the end of their visit,
They feel disappointed to part ways so soon,
Embracing and hugging their love they solicit ,
Goodbye ,tata  and see you soon , they croon . 

This poem is for my two little princesses , my lovely grand daughters .
They  always look forward to being together . 
The love and affection  they share is great and amazing .