Wednesday 20 March 2013



Terrible conflict,
He stormed out,
She felt pricked
And cried aloud ,

Her anger needed a vent,
Her emotions she used 
To win the argument ,
He  looked unmoved.

Her upset behavior,
Was quite prolonged.
It obviously seemed,
She was wronged.

Sympathies galore,
She got all around,
Not his fault ,he swore,
No one  believed,this was sound. 

Who was wrong ?
And who was right?
The one upset most ,
Is presumed to be right.

It doesn't  matter anymore,
What the real story is,
He  had to admit and implore,
Cajoling her sweetly to stop all this.

Using upset as a weapon,
To win a disturbing  dispute,
Is a common prevalent adult sin,
Some just stick to this repute 

Exploiting this  emotional  tactic ,
Nobody is sane or immune ,
Recollect when you used this magic,
To fine tune your distressing  conflict .

Foot notes:-
The one who shows to be most upset and terribly  hurt after a dispute is thought to be the one who has been wronged and the victim The result  being that the other side of the story has to be tossed away or forgotten  and the other person is portrayed as the perpetrator . HE and HER both are not immune to using this weapon.

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